Search Report is an important document used by banks and financial institutions as part of determining the viability of granting financial assistance to the companies. Search reports sets out basic details of the company such as the name of the company, address, members, directors of the company, details of existing loans, assets given as security etc.
Is Companies Act, 2013 covers search report
No, Companies Act, 2013 do not cover search report
Is there any specific format for search report
No, search report should have basic information about the company and detailed description of borrowings made from banks/financial institutions. However, some banks/financial institutions require the search report in their specified format, which will help them in analyzing information in uniform manner
What are the basis details to be covered in the search report
- Name of the Company
- Date of incorporation/registration
- Registered office address of the Company
- Authorized and Paid up share capital
- Details of Directors
- Details of Members
What are the details which are covered in the charge/borrowings section
- Charge ID
- Date of Creation of Charge
- Name of Charge holder/Lender and address
- Amount of Loan
- Details of assets secured
- Terms and Conditions of granting the loan/financial assistance
Is it necessary to cover details of charge modification
Yes, search report shall cover details of charge modification with respect to the date of charge modification, new assets given as security, if any, revised amount of loan, if any, new terms and conditions, if any etc.
Is it necessary to cover details relating to charge satisfaction
Generally, charge satisfaction/closure details are not covered in the search report. However, on demand of the concerned parties, details relating to charge satisfaction such as date of closure of charge, assets released from charge etc. can be covered
From where do we get the details for preparation of search reports
Search reports are prepared on the basis of public inspection of documents available with the website of ministry of corporate affairs. If one has to carryout inspection of documents of older ones (which will not be available in the website), then physical inspection of the documents has to be carried out from the office of Registrar of Companies.
Will search report covers historic information of the company from the date of incorporation
Search report basically covers current details relating to the directors, members, charges etc. However, on demand of the concerned persons, past and present information can be covered in the search reports.
Did search reports include opinion of the professional
No, search report will not contain any opinion of the professional. Search report presents the data as available with the Ministry of Corporate affairs.
If you need assistance in obtaining search report of companies, you can contact the author
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