Tag: registration
Prepaid Payment Instruments
Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPI), popularly called Prepaid Cards or Prepaid Payment Cards, are the instruments used to make electronic payment for purchase of goods and services. Prepaid Payment Instruments offers great advantage over carrying liquid cash in terms of convenience and security.
Register Nidhi Company in Kerala
Nidhi companies are mutual benefit companies which works for the benefit of its members. Operations of Nidhi Company are limited to its members, wherein the companies are permitted to accept deposit and give loan to its members. Legal compliances and requirements of Nidhi company are far less when compared with the NBFC’s, which are functioning…
Register Producer Company in Kerala
PRODUCER COMPANY Producer company is a company formed for carrying out all or any of the following objects production, harvesting, procurement, grading, pooling, handling, marketing, selling, export of primary produce of the Members or import of goods or services for their benefit: Provided that the Producer Company may carry on any of the activities specified…
Import Export Code
Import Export Code (IEC or IE Code) is mandatory for carrying out import/export business. IE Code is issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and it will be the same as that of the PAN of the applicant. There will not be any new number for carrying out import or export transactions. IEC…
Registration of Charitable Society
Charitable Societies in Kerala are registered under Societies Registration Act, 1980 or Travancore Cochin Literary Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act, 1955. In Travancore Region, Societies are registered under Travancore Cochin Literary Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act, 1955 and in Malabar Region, societies are registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860. This article is primarily…
Register Hardware company in Kerala
Hardware shops has good market potential amidst the competition. Managing inventory is the important element for hardware store. Registering your company for carrying out the business of hardware shop is an easy process. Recently, Government has simplified the procedure for registering your company. Procedure for registering your company
Register a company in Kerala
How to register a company or how to carry out your existing business as a company will be the question which you may have in your mind First step on company registration is that you should select the type of your company Whether it should be a Private Company with minimum two members and two…
Procedure to issue certificates by private institutions
Institutions, primarily educational institutions regularly conducts coaching/training to interested students and issue certificate of completion or certificate of participation to participants. Find out How to register an institution Whether a private institution require registration It is always better to register the institution, otherwise the certificate will not be considered valuable. For a registered entity, registration…
Registration of Society
Societies in Kerala are registered under Societies Registration Act, 1980 or Travancore Cochin Literary Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act, 1955. In Travancore Region, Societies are registered under Travancore Cochin Literary Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act, 1955 and in Malabar Region, societies are registered under Societies Registration Act, 1980. This article is primarily based…